What is Application Management by Lead Examine?


Application Form Builder

Struggling with application forms? Hop onboard with Lead Examine’s versatile application form builder that delivers intuitive, complex, and feature-rich admission forms with few simple clicks

Application Manager

Lead Examine allows you to manage and streamline all your offline & online admission applications in a glitch-free manner

Payment Manager

Safe and secure payment management with a range of popular and plethora of payment choices

Admission Form Management

Streamline your prospects and possible clientele with a versatile admission form management protocol by Lead Examine

Student Application Portal

Access all the prospect forms, offer letters, payments, queries, and more on a single platform with Lead Examine

Query Management System

Resolve any potential candidate’s queries in a jiffy with our sterling quality query management system

Schedule Visit Management

Organize student campus visits with our adaptable product that serves the needs of educational institutes

Report & Insights

Let the data guide your sales with Lead Examine’s real-time insights driven by applications from potential candidates


Application Management System

For an institution delivering quality education, the application management system helps streamline & simplify the tracking, collection, & management of the prospect applications. Lead Examine helps you invest in an advanced system for application creation & helps drive maximum application conversions via its inbuilt and secure payment gateways.

Lead Examine’s application management system helps you determine the prospect’s potential in the sales funnel while helping the team streamline the admission process. It also provides the institutes with predictive analysis to help make an informed decision with each potential candidate.

Our application management system helps educational institutes with a slick management process. The system delivers a supreme-quality engagement to co-relate more with the applications and hence enhances the enrolment possibilities. Alternatively, an ERP aids a student’s post-enrollment journey and doesn’t involve the management of prospective candidates.

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With an Extravagant Application Automation!
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