Level Up Your Admission Marketing With Your Tools

Marketing strategy is necessary to find potential leads and nurture them for their conversion.

Upgrade Marketing

Automate your admission marketing tasks

Nurturing & Engaging

Engage your leads and nurture them

Tracking Campaign

Keep track of your campaign marketing

More Flexibility

Enhance your marketing by eliminating complex tools

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Customized conversions for better admission marketing

Considering the importance of marketing for your institution, we have designed an Education CRM which fulfills your needs and help you increase the efficiency of admission marketing and better ROI.


Manage Your Leads in Single Command

Now, use our product for managing your leads effectively and in a customized way. Your central command will manage multiple leads and marketing campaigns to prevent any loss in terms of leads. Channelize all leads related activities on a single platform to reduce the man effort and time consumption.

  • . Integrated and Centralized Data

    You can sync and integrate the student data on one platform and get assistance in channelizing leads from multiple sources. Our product will help to increase the number of lead visit in your website by optimizing it so that you don’t miss any essential and high-potential leads.

  • Tracking and Optimizing Campaigns

    Create and manage customized campaigns to gain more attention of the leads. Our product is equipped with advanced tools to guide you into right direction and optimize the performance of your admission marketing based on real-time data. Track the performance of lead and find the engagement rate.

  • Track Property Wise Conversion

    Keeping track of leads and their sources can be a tricky job, if done through traditional methods. Ramp-up the performance of your admission marketing teams by offering advanced set of tools to track the source and progress of your leads. Also, check which lead has more to offer to your institution.


Here Are Some Popular Questions Answered!

This is one of the common concerns of the people wanting to implement Education CRM in their institution. Education CRM offers real-time analytics and insights about your leads. The data helps you identify the valuable and non-valuable leads for your institution. When you use Education CRM with your admission marketing teams, it helps them you use the data and find ways to increase ROI.

Our product helps your marketing teams in many ways. From providing real insights to giving the mobile application opportunities, your marketing teams will have everything they want to increase the conversion rates. Moreover, you can communicate with the potential leads in a personalized and customized way by sending them Emails, SMS and calling them.

By going through the various features of education CRM for marketing teams, you might have noticed that everything you need to increase the admission rates and generating more leads can be achieved by using our Education CRM. Likewise, you will have all the reasons to use our product for leaving behind your competitors in this ever-changing atmosphere of cutting-edge competition.

The process of implementation is easy and can be performed by any beginner. It is normal to feel hesitant about implementing new technology in your institution. But, you can completely trust our product to bring out massive benefits from your marketing teams. From generating leads to enhancing ROI, you need Education CRM.

Yes, as said before, you can use the functions of our Education CRM in your mobile phones. This gives you flexibility from being present at a certain place to use this product. You can receive and track the real-time data anytime and from anywhere. So, don’t necessarily have to be present at a specific place. If you want to know more, get in touch with us.

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