Why Should You Use Our Mobile Application?
Easy Accessibility
Easily access all activities related to admission, lead nurturing, productivity level and much more with the Lead Examine’s Mobile Application.
Assisting Counsellors
Allow counsellors to increase their productivity from working on-campus and remotely for consistent lead tracking and follow-up through Mobile Application.
Mobile Facilities
Our Mobile Application helps your admission team to access facilities such as, in-app calling, Email, SMS, WhatsApp, voice search and push notification.
360° Supervision
Determine overall health of your admission process with 360° supervisions. Get real-time data and insights for clear visibility of performance.
Better ROI
Speed-up your admission process and marketing campaign to attain better ROI by following updated trends and application status.
Cloud Integration
Integrate you data with already telephony vendor with full security for faster accessibility. Help your admission team to integrate data on their mobiles.
Tracking Location
Location tracking can help your team to get real-time progress of you lead. Increase the efficiency by knowing the exact time and date of their log-in and log-out.
Customizable Settings
You can customize the settings according to your need for attaining better results and saving valuable time. Change your preferences anytime you want.
Reports & Analytics
Use insightful dashboard to get reports and analytics for better understanding and analyzing of the data to increase lead generation and conversions.